Who Are We?

Education Lens
03 Mar 2021
8.40pm - 9.00pm

Who Are We?

Paul De Souza is founding Principal of St Vincent Pallotti School, Babusahibpalya, Bangalore, India. Starting with seven students there are now approximately 3,100 students. The school follows the ICSE/ISC pattern of education and the name SVPS is synonymous with quality education with a human touch.What gives this large co-educational school the human touch? Paul will share his insights and learnings about leading a school thorough amazing growth and a pandemic whilst ensuring the ethos of its founding faith are visible daily.

Paul will share his collaborative approach,ensuring staff and students and families work together so that students are motivated to turn their challenges into opportunities, whether they be academics, sport, inter-school competitions or socio-cultural activities. Being academically focused is never enough for a Pallottian, but to grow and develop into a good human being is the ultimate goal for each student cultivating habits of self-learning, enquiry, teamwork and leadership. Paul’s leadership mindset and faith basis go hand in hand in his ‘teaaching’ leadership style.